Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The "Start Doing" Part

I'm living the life I have consciously desired and chosen to live!  How many of us can really own that statement?  Are you doing what you really want to be doing? Have your dreams and desires manifested?  Are you all that you want to be? If not, perhaps it's because you haven't taken one critical action step, the "start doing" part.

We all dream of personal success and accomplishment and achieving our goals and becoming wonderfully successful. At times we even write those goals down, thinking we will begin our journey, only to get sidetracked by one thing or another. Illness, financial challenges, emotional upsets and even the weather can put a real dent in our self motivation and desires to change our life or take another path.  

For me, the best part of starting something new is, the "start doing" part. It's not the dreaming part or the planning parts, it's the part where I actually put one foot in front of the other and begin the journey. It's the part where I step into the spotlight and into my greatness and begin to really live the life I have imagined and that I have consciously designed.  

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things 

that you didn't do than by the ones you did do" ~ Mark Twain

Once I take that first step, signs begin to appear that reaffirm the choices I have made. I begin noticing Facebook posts or Tweets that seem to be posted just for my benefit. A new social circle of friends begins to pop up that are uncannily like-minded. Opportunities begin to show up in many forms as the universe suddenly takes notice of my "one foot in front of the other" action and is now ready to fulfill my every command. I love how that all works! And as the law of attraction suggests; it only works when you are absolutely clear about the direction you want to go in. 

If you have made all the plans you can make, set all the goals you can set and beat that horse to death, then it's time to do the "start doing" part. No guts, no glory; be wonderfully fearless in the doing! I absolutely know you can achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. You and only you can take that first step; take action. You can do it! Allow yourself to use the momentum of that first step to propel you to take another and another and another.

"What one man can do, another man can do!" ~Anthony Hopkins

You can DO and BE anything you want to do or want to be!  I heard this statement often growing up in a large family of seven siblings.  We all took that to heart when every single one of us chose to become entrepreneurs in a variety of businesses. Business plans, no business plans, exact steps to take or by the seat of our pants we all took that first necessary action step that launched us into our greatness. 

Are you ready to step into your spotlight and achieve your dreams? Comment on this article, join Mountain Girls Adventures Facebook  page, then send us a brief message describing your goal and that you are ready to do the "start doing" part. Mountain Girls Adventures will then send you a few of our best motivational quotes; the ones that keep us putting one foot in front of the other!

Happy journeys!

Genia Seghetti
Mountain Girls Adventures
 "An amazing life doesn't just happen, 
you create it one adventure at a time!"

About MGA:
At Mountain Girls Adventures the spirit of adventure runs deep. An adventurer's experience can move us, enrich our knowledge and awaken the wanderer within. As an adventurer my purpose is to live consciously and courageously, to resonate with love and compassion, to awaken the great adventure of life within others, and to leave this world a better place.

You can find MGA on PinterestFacebook and Twitter!  If you like us, please become a fan and follow our social media boards.  Leave us a note and we will do the same for you! 

Please note - Some of the photographs posted in my blogs are mine; others are from the web and are public domain. Please contact me if any of them are in violation of copyright and I will remove them upon receipt of proof of copyright infringement or give credit where it is due. 


  1. Hey Genia, so you are living your Mountain Adventure life, way to go. Mine is not quite the perfect life, but I must admit I do love what I usually do for a living, the 4x4 tour Gig. Not the income I would prefer but there is more to life then wealth, so I hear. I hope we can support each other in our ventures!

    1. Hi Clay, thanks for your note! There is more to life than wealth, when it's all said and done. Can't take it with you when you leave this life, can ya? ;) I will stick with the living life on my terms...out there! Supportive? Always! Genia

  2. I recently ran across your Facebook page, and just today, your blog! I totally agree with your statement, "signs begin to appear that reaffirm the choices I have made" - just like in the book, The Alchemist, when Paulo Coehlo writes, "When you really want something to happen, the whole world conspires to help you achieve it." The hard part for me, however, is the "start doing" part. I am a great planner, not a great doer. I was not as lucky as you to have such a rich outdoor upbringing, but now that I am almost 40, it is a newly realized passion. I am working on the "start doing" part to have my own hiking guide service in Wisconsin. I've never done something like this and am totally scared shitless, but I'm going insane working in a cubicle. I've climbed the corporate ladder all the way to the top and have slowly been climbing down for the past 3 years. I like it better with my feet on the ground.
    Interestingly I've been paying attention to coincidences that are more than mere coincidence. Three years ago I read a book by Shreve Stockton called The Daily Coyote... about a city girl ending up raising a coyote pup in Ten Sleep, Wyoming. How strangely coincidental that your recent blog post mentions Ten Sleep. I think I'm on the right path and will continue to "read my signs."
